Tag Archives: dailyprompt-1926

Direction is overrated  

Prompt: What gives you direction in life?

The Missus.

My boss.


In that order of priority.

When I was growing up, it was:

My parents.

My teachers.

My juvenile parole officer.

Also in that order.

(I pretty much ignore my current parole officer these days, but don’t tell her that!)

I would prefer to wander aimlessly, but according to the Missus and my boss, that’s not an option.

The GPS, on the other hand, seems to agree with me, considering the number of times it has guided me into a lake.

Or maybe the GPS has it in for me…

Regardless, I guess what I’m trying to say here-

What the WordPress prompt is directing me to say-

There is always something telling you how to lead your life.

If not a Missus, or a boss, or whiny kids, or a judge, or prison guards, or a parole officer, it will be something else.

An authority with absolute power over you, requiring absolute obedience.

Freedom is an illusion…

Why did it tell me to turn left at Albuquerque??

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